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Hello February ~ Let’s Talk Birthstones

Time to take a look at February’s Birthstone, Amethyst ~

Oh you lucky ones born this month! Amethyst is one of my very favorite stones. And what’s not to love about this beautiful gemstone? From pale lavender to luscious deep royal purple, this stone offers it all.

Much like January’s Garnet, Amethyst is the traditional, modern, and ancient birthstone for February.

The word amethyst comes from the Greek “amethystos” which can be translated “not drunken”. 

Legend goes that one day a beautiful maiden named Amethyst was on her way to the Temple of Diana for worship, when she had the misfortune of crossing the path of the wine god Bacchus. Bacchus was in a bad temper, having just been insulted by a mere mortal and he vowed to take revenge on the next mortal he saw by releasing his tigers upon the poor soul. Diana intervened and turned Amethyst into a quartz statue.

Bacchus was remorseful, and poured his wine upon that statue as atonement. The wine stained the quartz a deep violet hue. The beautiful purple stone was for evermore called Amethyst. The ancients believed that a person wearing this stone would be protected against drunkenness and has been used as a symbol of sincerity, security and peace of mind.

Amethyst is well known as the stone of protection, but it is also considered the a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts, especially in darker shades. It assists endeavors where new, original results need to be created using tools and methods of the past. It is often used as the Artist’s Stone, the Composer’s Stone, the Inventor’s, Poet’s and Painter’s Stones. Keep an Amethyst crystal or cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force.

Amethyst facilitates the transition between life and death. It helps in all things spiritual, mystical and psychic.

Now let’s take a look at an alternative birthstone derived from your birth sign.

February is the month of Aquarius and Pisces. 

We learned last month the stone for Aquarius is Garnet and the stone for Pisces is Amethyst.

I know, I told you last month that we would be taking a look at the alternative birthstones, it just so happens that January & February have stayed constant down through the ages. But March, look out!!!

Amethyst is one of those rare gems that looks great mounted in gold, silver, and copper. Personally I love the warmth of copper paired with the rich purple hues of amethyst.

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