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Hello February ~ Let’s Talk Birthstones

Time to take a look at February’s Birthstone, Amethyst ~

Oh you lucky ones born this month! Amethyst is one of my very favorite stones. And what’s not to love about this beautiful gemstone? From pale lavender to luscious deep royal purple, this stone offers it all.

Much like January’s Garnet, Amethyst is the traditional, modern, and ancient birthstone for February.

The word amethyst comes from the Greek “amethystos” which can be translated “not drunken”. 

Legend goes that one day a beautiful maiden named Amethyst was on her way to the Temple of Diana for worship, when she had the misfortune of crossing the path of the wine god Bacchus. Bacchus was in a bad temper, having just been insulted by a mere mortal and he vowed to take revenge on the next mortal he saw by releasing his tigers upon the poor soul. Diana intervened and turned Amethyst into a quartz statue.

Bacchus was remorseful, and poured his wine upon that statue as atonement. The wine stained the quartz a deep violet hue. The beautiful purple stone was for evermore called Amethyst. The ancients believed that a person wearing this stone would be protected against drunkenness and has been used as a symbol of sincerity, security and peace of mind.

Amethyst is well known as the stone of protection, but it is also considered the a wonderful talisman for use in the creative arts, especially in darker shades. It assists endeavors where new, original results need to be created using tools and methods of the past. It is often used as the Artist’s Stone, the Composer’s Stone, the Inventor’s, Poet’s and Painter’s Stones. Keep an Amethyst crystal or cluster in the area to focus and amplify the creative elements of the Universal Life Force.

Amethyst facilitates the transition between life and death. It helps in all things spiritual, mystical and psychic.

Now let’s take a look at an alternative birthstone derived from your birth sign.

February is the month of Aquarius and Pisces. 

We learned last month the stone for Aquarius is Garnet and the stone for Pisces is Amethyst.

I know, I told you last month that we would be taking a look at the alternative birthstones, it just so happens that January & February have stayed constant down through the ages. But March, look out!!!

Amethyst is one of those rare gems that looks great mounted in gold, silver, and copper. Personally I love the warmth of copper paired with the rich purple hues of amethyst.

Shop our Amethyst Jewelry & Home Decor

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Spring is in the Air

The rainy season seems to be behind us now and all around are signs that spring has arrived. Little sprigs of green and the early blooms of daffodil, poppies, and lupine. And with this new season comes a new selection of artisan adornment.

If I was going to name this collection, it would be Perseverance. The reason is that I began conceptualizing this collection in Spring 2021. But life happens and priorities shift. I had to step away from the bench for quite a while, BUT I never gave up!! Here we are a full two years later, and I’m thrilled to say that I have finally completed each piece. I’ve worked behind the scenes on these beauties as time would permit. I finished some last summer, but it didn’t feel right listing them individually in the shop, so instead I held them back to wait until their companions were ready.

So friends, I present to you the latest additions to the shop ~ I hope you find them as lovely

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Aura VS Aura

Because I use both treated and untreated crystals in my jewelry offerings I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about the different treatments used on quartz crystals.

It’s my pleasure to create beautiful pieces of jewelry made with the highest quality stones I can find and also pleasing to look at. After all, adornment is all about finding something that is both aesthetically pleasing and fun to wear! That is why I offer natural untreated stones and crystals as well as the treated varieties of crystals.  And if these treated stones appeal to you, by all means buy them – I will be the first to admit that while I LOVE natural stones, there is a very appealing aesthetic to the beautiful colors available of Aura Quartz.  I have quite a few in my personal collection! The thing is, I want you to be able to recognize the differences in quality.

We can all agree that no Aura Quartz is actually ‘natural’ – they’ve all been altered by humans one way or another, but they all start with a natural quartz crystal.

What I’m going to talk about today is the different treatments and how you can tell the difference.

High Quality Aura Assortment

Coatings or treatments of crystals are a common way to create new colors not found in nature.

Years ago it was discovered that you could take a somewhat tough mineral (quartz) and place it in a vacuum chamber, heat it to a very high temperature (about 1600 F) and fuse it with an element (precious metal) in gas form. The result is a durable, permanent bond that gives a beautiful sparkle and color to the crystal.

The most common of these elements are gold, titanium, indium and iron oxide.

Gold creates blue, or Aqua Aura. Titanium produces an opalescent white coating, or Angel Aura. Indium produces a violet hue and gives us those beautiful Tanzanite Auras, and Iron Oxide colors the quartz a gorgeous orange, with a vibrant sparkle we call Sunset Aura or Tangerine Aura.

Of course technology is always moving forward, and the demand for more colors and more affordable options introduced a ‘new’ treatment of dying and Teflon coating. This is often referred to as “Jelly Quartz” or “Jelly Aura”.  The Teflon coating gives the quartz a nice rainbow effect, but… one of the reasons for the cost savings is that the coating is sprayed on to the stone. By spraying the coating on the stone, you create a surface that can be easily scratched. Also, if you have ever sprayed paint on a multi edged surface, I’m sure you have noticed that the paint is much thinner on the edges. This can lead to a very unappealing look when that coating starts to wear off, especially if the stone is a hybrid, which is a crystal that exhibits multiple colors. The alternative I have seen is the application of several coats which actually gives the crystal more rounded edges.

In my experience, the easiest way to visibly identify the differences in the ‘Jelly Aura’ as opposed to the higher quality vacuum Aura is to look for a diamond or square patterning on one side the stone. See the photo on the left as opposed to the same crystals on the right?

The second way to identify is by how the crystal feels. The texture on the jelly crystal is very different from its counterpart, as it has a super smooth texture and in some cases will almost feel like a thick varnish. You won’t get that with the vacuum bonding, because it is a micro fine fused layer, so the crystal will feel almost like its natural counterpart.

Finding a crystal that speaks to you is a very personal journey and you should always choose the one that speaks to you. This article is simply meant to furnish you with information. I hope you found this article both helpful and informative.

Artist Note:

You may find that from time to time I offer a piece with the Teflon coating – but you can be assured that when I include this type of treated crystal in a jewelry piece or home decor item, it will be noted in the description. Sometimes as stated above, it is about the aesthetic and what is pleasing to the eye.  98% of my Aura crystals are high quality, true vacuum fused Aura’s.

For additional info regarding other treatments being used on a variety of stones and crystals, you can check out the following website:

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Of Earth and Sea Collection

The Of Earth and Sea Collection

This is a collection of treasures from sea and earth.
Full of the magic of the sea nymphs, goddesses, and witches of legend.

The very essence of ancient sea magic and powerful earth magic combining.

Each component has been chosen with intention for both its esthetic allure and energy. All unique and one of a kind treasures to adorn the body.

Of Earth and Sea by the Amethyst Moon

Inspired by my love of forest and sea, this collection is very dear to my heart. For where my soul finds its peace is where the forest meets the sea in the great Pacific Northwest.

It is the place my entire being feels at home and where my creativity is revitalized. I have tried to capture that magical place in this collection of one of a kind jewelry pieces.  And so I share with you my happy place…


Of Earth and Sea

Where forest meets the ocean shore

      My spirit longs to be once more.

Where Redwood, Madrone and Oak commune

     With salted sea and sanded dune.

Where fog rolls thick and hugs the trees

     And wind cries out and churns the sea.

Where Willow, Hemlock and Laurel grow

     Where waves kiss sand and rivers flow.

Where mermaids sing and fairies roam

     Where witches came to make their home.

~the Amethyst Moon



Of Earth and Sea is available September 1st ~

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Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is a very personal journey. So, rather than tell you how to create your sacred place, I am going to share with you what I did to carve our a little place for my soul. My space is a work in progress, and I still have a long way to go, but I’m making it work.  In any case, my hope is that this may help you on your journey to create your own special place! This isn’t going to be about the ritual side of a sacred space, but about the space specifically.

For me, having a space to decompress and reflect needed to be in a location that was primarily a private place. My studio is about the only place in my home where I find escape from everyone (except my dogs, who happily keep me company while I create).  I suggest finding a place where you can have some quiet time and be comfortable. It needs to be free of distractions if only for a few minutes, whatever time you can devote completely to yourself.

Now, my space is small and needs to be multi-purpose since it is also my studio, so it took a little planning. It was a little tricky, but I have my studio benches and workstations set up on the perimeter and I keep a center space clear so I can throw down some pillows and get comfy when I meditate.

For me, it was important that I also have a little altar space. By creating this, even when I’m not meditating I have a great reminder to slow down and ground myself. Having it in a corner of my studio has been a wonderful addition for my creativity as well. I actually have several set up around my house, but this altar is specifically set up to help me to channel my creativity.

The altar is a place where I have placed items that are symbolic and sacred to me personally. In my opinion, an alter should be the most personal part of your space. Adding items that are special and sacred to you is vital. Also, my altar is ever-changing. There are some items that are permanent fixtures (at least for now) but others come and go depending upon what I need or want to focus on for an interval of time. Being connected to Earth is very important to me and since I find great peace when I am out in nature, I have taken care to place items that remind me to honor her.  I also have tried to include something representative of the Elements. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, all these are essential, vital components to life. We can’t survive without all of the elements together and they all exist within us.  Because of my special connection to Luna, I also have many items to remind me to pay close attention to the cycles of life. I have photos of my ancestors to remind me of those who came before me and paved the way for me to live this beautiful life. Color and scent are a vital part of my space and so candles and incense are a very important facet to my practice. I also keep matches right on the altar. I look for fancy boxed types that have a nice esthetic.

So, you may be wondering exactly what I chose to keep on my altar space. Here is how I have interpreted the Elemental items:

Earth ~ Since I use crystals and gemstones in my creative process, I have many of these on my altar.  I also utilize the earth energy from these treasures, so having my own personal collection has helped my creative process tremendously. Because I connect strongly with nature, I also have a few items that I have collected from my favorite forests and beaches. These are great reminders to visit these places as often as possible, if not in the physical, for sure in spirit.

Air ~ For me this is where the incense and sage come into play. Scent has such significance in our well-being and can instantly alter our mood. I clear my space with sage often. I find it very beneficial to clearing my mind and have found that it helps my creativity flow much more intensely. I also keep a feather on the altar, they are a great representation of air and are also great to use while smudging!

Fire ~ Candles Candles Candles … Have you ever tried starting your meditation or ritual by first just concentrating on a flame? For me, this is where the magic begins. The ambiance created by candle light can’t be denied, and you can also use different colored candles for different rituals. Again, not what this little article is about, so I won’t go down that path quite yet.

Water ~ So this was probably my easiest addition ~ I ALWAYS keep a decanter of full moon water on my altar. Each full moon I cleanse the container, refill it with life-sustaining water and set it out to soak up all that full moon energy. Throughout the month I will use this water for different things, making a cup of tea, watering the plants in my studio, cleansing those crystals which need a fresh water soak from time to time and for other various reasons as the need arises.

The most important thing to remember about creating your own altar is to add items with meaning and personal significance to YOU! Be intentional and creative, there is no right or wrong way to create!

Sacred Alter Space the Amethyst Moon

The only thing I think I haven’t touched on is sound. For some souls, music is a vital part of creating a sacred space. For me personally, because there is music playing non stop while I create in the studio, I am just the opposite. When it’s time for meditation, I need a quite place, so music is off for sure. But…. I do open up the window often. There are a couple of wind chimes just outside and a bush right under the window that the little birdies love to nest in ~ so many times my playlist is nature herself.


Let your space reflect who you are and you can’t go wrong.

Blessings ~


If you are looking for more ideas on creating your own sacred space or altar, you may want to check out our Sacred Spaces board on Pinterest.

Looking for some crystals for your sacred space? Be sure to check out the beauties in our Crystals & Stones Section or our Home Decor Section







Full Moon Altar