Quartz Crystal Cluster


Natural Quartz Crystal Cluster

97mm x 61mm x 30mm tall (approx. 4 x 2.25″)
137 grams (4.83 oz)

1 in stock


Quartz Crystal Cluster Altar Stone

This is a beautiful cluster of natural quartz crystals from Arkansas.
Full of tiny to large terminations!! This cluster is so ah-mazing!

Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest is imbued with the properties of a master healer teacher. Ancients believed these stones to be alive, taking a breath once every hundred years or so, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine.

Today’s healers agree, believing crystals are living beings, incredibly old and wise, and willing to communicate when an individual is open and ready to receive. Wearing, carrying or meditating with a Clear Quartz crystal opens the mind and heart to higher guidance, allowing the realm of Spirit to be transmitted and translated into the world of physical form.

Resonating at the level of an individual’s needs, Clear Quartz also amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 3.5 × 1.75 × 1.5 in


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