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The Full Buck Moon

Hi loves! I wanted to share some photos of last night’s full moon.

I’m not a pro photographer, and I only have a little point and shoot Nikon, but I think they are pretty amazing shots.

Here in North America we didn’t get to experience the lunar eclipse, but Luna still gave us a fabulous show from moon rise to moon set!!!

Our next lunar eclipse will be January 2019! Moonrise over the Foothills

There are several different names for last night’s full moon, here are a few:

Buck Moon ~ this is the time of year that male deer begin to grow their antlers.

Thunder Moon ~ because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month.

Of course, that’s if you’re up here in the Northern Hemisphere! Each region of the world has its own name for her.

Full Buck Moon Rise


The night sky was so breathtaking; I had to keep reminding myself to snap off a couple

of photos every now and again. I really just wanted to soak in all of the wonderful energy.


I hope you had a chance to set out some crystals for charging and that you also took

time to set some intentions and recharge under her magical light.  Full Moon Crystal Charging Altar













Love & Light